Saturday, October 01, 2005

Death To The Shadow Lord!!

With the 3 largest beastmen nations conspiring to bring back the Shadow Lord, it was time to strike. We gathered a small party of men to finish the job. We had with us 2 blm's, pld, drk, thf, and a sam. with the assistance of a whm we teleported to Xarcabard and began to make our way westerd. Once on the foot of the mountain, with the Castle Zvahl Baileys staring down upon us, the guardian demons attacked. We took some damage and lost our thf. I mad it to casle door alive and then returned to dead player to tractor his body al the way to the castle and the revived him.

Once inside we made out way through the labrynth known as Castl Zvahl Baileys and into the Castle Zvahl Keep, the tomb of the Shadow Lord. I stoped tp take a few screen shots but once the battle started I forgot to take more. This is me outside the throne room, with the keep behind me.

Once inside it was on like Donkey Kon. Our worst fears were realized. The beastmen did raise the Shadow Lord and we were there to witness it. With time Short, it was out job to kill the beast.

The Shadow Lord's takes on 3rd forms durring battle. The first is inpervius to magic, the second is strongest against physical attack and the the last uses the AOE's constantly til all are dead. We ran in and the mages took up position on the edg of the circle. Thw wariors ran upto him and imediatly let into him with there attacks With only two blm's and now whm, we had to keep them alive and at the same time save mp for the the last 2 forms. Finaly, the he took on his second form. We slamed the Shadow lord with a series for fatel attacksbut then came his thrd form and most deadly. By this time I was out of mp so I poped an a pro-ether for 250 mp. The Shadow lord then beagn a series of AOE's each one dioing 150= damage to me and the others. It was all i could do to keep the tank and i alive, while the warriors finned them off.
I will type more later


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