Thursday, September 15, 2005

Magic Burst & Skill Chains

Anyone in the game that cast spells can magic burst (MB) including Ninjas. For a blm it is inportant to land the MB becuase it increases the damage of your spell by 20-50%. A spell that normaly does 800 I have seen do 1200+ on a MB.

before we talk about MB we must first talk about what is a Skill Chain. A skill chain is am effect that is generated by two or more waepon skills being preformed in a row. The MB comes into play when an elemental spell is cast on the second weapon skill. The elemental spell must match the skill chain. Like elemental spells, the skill chains have elemental propertie associated with them.

As you can see from the list below, there are chain #1 and #2. Skill Chain #1 have only one elemental property, and chain #2 have 2. both elements work equaly well with chain #2's.

Skill Chain #1

Skill Chain #2

Click on Chart if you dare!!

now to be honest, i would rather do my taxes then read this chart. Generaly it is not the job of the mages to set the SC, but just incase you are in party with a bunch of nubes i will show you how. First thing you want to do is establish the weapons the melee are using and what Weapon Skills they have. locate one of the weapon skills on the chart the try to locate the second player's weapon skill on an tablr adjasent to the first.


Shining Blade (sword lvl10)-------> Raging Axe (axe lvl10)= Detonation (wind)

What are the 1's and 2's for?

The 1's are 2's are to correct errors on the tables. Becuase of the structure of the chart some conflicts arrise. The numbers only relate to the second part of the skill chain. It indicates the the second weapon skill is shown on more then one table adjacent to the first. The #1 has priority over the #2.


Redlotus Blade* (Swd lvl 50)----->Avelanch Axe (Axe lvl 100) = Scission(earth)

*Ignore the number by the Redlotus Blade becuase it is the first part of the wepon skill.

It is all in the technique

Having part members that comnucate there tp help greatly when trying to land a MB. For the most part you will be using you reg. elemental nuke. These can be cast just as the second WS is being animated. For the most part this will work and try not to cast to early.

Ancient Magic W/ Magic Burst

For those that are lvl 50 and above, you start to get your ancient magic spells. These are exceptionaly powerful but must be MB'd to justify the MP cost. As a taru one of them wipes 1/2 my mp. To land a MB with a ancient spell you must cast it before the SC is initiated. I sugest this macro:

/ma "Freeze"

/p Casting Freeze Now!!!!

/wait 5

/P Begin Skill Chain now!!!!!

when working with a thf, you may need to shorten the "wait" to 3 sec instead of 5. Remember to have blink and stonskin up when this is done and hope to god you have a good pld tank. there is no way a nin tank will pull the mob off of you after you smack it for the damage you will do. Don't worry though, usualy the WC's, SC, and the MB will kill or wipe 1/2 to 3/4 of the mob's hp. I hope this information was some help. If not let me know.


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