Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Recovering Lost Ground

I had lost alot of xp from dieing in the previos mission and consequently de-leveled. It was time to get my lvl 60 back. I fsrt joined a party in the Labyrinth of Onzozo. We used sneak and invis to get to a remote are to fight some catlike mobs. The xp was great but the Whm sucked ass. The tank died twice. The whm would just go AFK in the middle of a battle to leav us to die. Shortly after the tank and his friend leveled, we disbanded. I was after that i joined a even better party. Supprisingly, we had no whm but we were doing fine. Our party was a PLD, RDM, SMN, BLM(me), THF and DRG.

"We landed right in the middle of the mother of all sand storms."

We met up in Lower Jueno and teleported then choc'd it out to the Kuftal Tunnel. ONce there we used combinations of sneak and invis throught 2 zones to the Valley of Sorrows. The part was kicking. We quickly set up skill chainsa and a macro for my magic burst. We decided to go with a distortion skill chain with my flood (Ancient Magic Spell). It was truly a sight to see. I was hitting ever time for 1200+ with the occasional 1400+. Once I hit 60, it was time for flare and my AF hat. You know me, I had to let Flare rip..it was mad damage. I can not wait for a mb with it.

Farming of the Bones

The next day a friend needed my hel;p with Promvion Holla. We formed a small advance party for make a insertion into the promivion. It was our mission to retrieve recollections from varius mobs in the promyvion. For those who have not won the promyvion missions, DO NOT FIGHT THE ENM WITH OUT THE ANIMAS!!!!! trust me. If you do, it will be a complete ass kicking. This is some pics from inside the promivion. This one is a weeper witha ligthning core. You fight him just like you would a lightning elemental. FOr example, I used Stone II, Aero, and Blizzard to bring him down. Do not forget, these "Empties" are a excellent source for mp and hp (Aspir/Drain). In closing thi8s is a pic of Gigjule casting. She is a blm, like me so things whent smoothly. Triban was the ranger and the other taru was out whm.


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